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BBQ Sammies

BBQ Sammies

Alison Stone


  • 1 package of Soy Curls

  • 1 cup of BBQ sauce of your choice (avoid honey in your BBQ sauce)

  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • ½ teaspoon of pepper

  • 12 ounces of spiralized veggies chopped up (we use carrots and zucchini)

  • ½ cup of chopped onion

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

  • 1 package of vegan buns


You can find Soy Curls at Natural Grocers and on Amazon.

Place Soy Curls in a large bowl and cover them with water to hydrate, or for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Drain the curls and chop them into bite-size  pieces. Place them in a pan with onions, seasonings and oil to brown.  

When the curls are browned and onions soft, add in your spiralized  veggies and cook for another 10 minutes.

Lower the heat and add in your BBQ sauce.

Top your buns with the Soy Curl mixture and serve! If you are making ahead for a party or event, place in a crockpot on low heat.

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Alison Stone, RN, works as the Executive Director and Co-Founder of  Hercules’ Haven Farm Animal Sanctuary in Springville, Iowa. Alison  transitioned to veganism in 2017 after being vegetarian for numerous  years. After working as an RN for close to a decade, Alison took a leap  of faith and followed her dream to save the very animals she regrettably  consumed for far too long.

As a teen, I frequently felt conflicted about  eating meat. I knew I loved animals deeply, and it felt wrong eating  them. I had no idea what brutalities were happening in concentrated  animal feeding operations. Fast forward many years and, one afternoon, I  was watching a clip of "The Ellen Show" as she discussed the movie  "Earthlings." I was intrigued to see what could have made such an  impression on her. After watching the documentary, I gave up eating meat  and never turned back. Dairy, however, was a struggle, as I know it can  be for many people. Cheese is known to be addictive in a way similar to  drugs because of a protein called casein which is found in dairy  products and triggers the brain's opioid receptors. That intense craving  was not just my problematic willpower. My entire life I had been  brainwashed by the dairy industry to think their products were a  nutritious and necessary part of a healthy diet.

My  weight hit an all-time high while eating large amounts of cheese and  eggs in place of meat. I was miserable. I began doing more research  about dairy and learned what the industry is so desperate to keep from  us. Looking back, it seems ridiculous that I had no idea cows do not  just naturally have milk. The only way for a cow to produce milk is to  have a calf. That means cows are forcibly impregnated, year after year.  Their babies are taken away soon after birth. Male babies are typically  sent away to be raised in crates for veal, and females are destined for  the same fate as their mothers. I could not support this kind of  exploitation once I knew the truth. I went vegan, and so did my close  family members.

Since  then, my energy level is better, my weight has come down and I feel  wonderful! I love to cook and I enjoy exploring new recipes, foods and  flavors. I am the mother to an amazing teenager. It was important when  she was transitioning to veganism that I keep meals and snacks as  familiar and simple as possible. Teens do not like to feel different  from their peers. Finding Soy Curls has been a game-changer! Soy curls  are so easy to make, and you can substitute them in place of just about  anything where you might otherwise use meat. They have a wonderful  texture and easily absorb seasonings. One of our family favorites is a  recipe inspired by Chef Nikki Grimm — BBQ Sammies.

These  Sammies are perfect for potlucks, barbeques or a quick and easy  weeknight meal. With the warming temperatures, outdoor activities will  certainly be on everyone’s calendars

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